Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Culture And Traditions

Birthdays By Race

wolves celebrate their birthdays buy holding a party where the person who was born that date gives gifts to those closets to them, people who really matter and have a impact on there life. some examples would be best friends, grandparents or just any towns folks who have influenced them. the idea of giving gifts to these people is to show thanks for having a impact on them in a way that shaped who they are now and because of this they give gifts as thanks for helping them become the person they are now.

usually gifts given to people are related in the way they influenced them, like if someone was taught the skills of a blacksmith of the village they might give them a new hammer to show there appreciation for the skills they gave them. a elder in the village who taught them to read and write might get a bottle of ink.

by doing these things the person does not only show thanks but also shows that the time and energy put into molding this person into someone better was not wasted. in the moment the gifts are unwrapped or are plainly giving its a sign that those skills or talent have been brought to the surface for that moment and day.

First, Middle and Last Names by Race

about 13.87% of wolves take the last name of Amadeus, Erwin or Goering. this is because the name of the wolf leviathan's name is Amadeus and his younger brothers name is Erwin the fox Leviathan, as for Goering this is the last name of Amadeus and Erwin.

Death and Funerals


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